Post-Ure : Holidays and Everything.
بِسْـــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرّحْمن الرّحيم
yooo .. Okay , ini post sebelum sekolah , esok monday,
weeww.... yaa..
bermula lagi penjara kehidupan , but oh well , slama cuti pon, takder buat apa..
sebok text awek jew..
Btw , sempena dah habis nya cuti , nak sum up la semua cuti2x nhe.. kira cam kesimpulan.
Minggu pertama cuti , kerja aku jalan ikut mak kau jerr, membontot ke sana sini , sampai orang meninggal , kawen and begunting yang aku tak kenal pun boleh teikut.
Mak aku nhe kira rukun tertangga kampung aku , so ad apa2x hal diorang slalu refer kat mak aku ,
lagipun mak aku nhe kuat bejual kat sana sini , jual lekor, sedap tau , mak aku ada page kat fb , kalau nak order ke hape , boleh peg SINI. haa..
maju taw mak aku nhe..
haha , slalu pegi ikut jelajah la , sampai aku pun pelik , suka sangat berniaga.
maybe sebab aku nhe takda gen berniaga dia kot. haha..
sepanjang bercuti pun , jalan2x gak ngan adik and kakak2x aku , tapi ak satu barang takderr beli , sebab ,
ntah , bosan , benda yang sama jerr kot..
kalau makan yelah , konfem ak number 1. hohoho..
adik aku beli barang2x dia and kakak aku yang dua2x nak masuk UiTM ..berhh .. aku sorang kat rumah .
... bosan lak tuu .. dah takder orang ndak kcau aku dan untuk aku kacau ..
but oh well , aku sepatutnya berusaha masuk U gak hoho..
okay , ahbis minggu pertama, minggu kedua , kerja aku mengemas rumah bujang aku nhe.
hidup sendirian .. takpa bleh berdikari , best apa , tap kekadang tu seram skit arhh ..
haha.. taklah , bukannya takut sangat pun ...
buang sampah , fixing the door , lap meja , lap tingkap .. berhh ,..
yelah , dah kena tinggal seminggu , memang lah habuk bermaharajalela.
yes , it's post-ure btw , sometimes, you don't have to trust people completely , you just can't because inthe end of the day you'll just regret it.
listen , life is a rollercoaster , ride it or get left behind. Lower your expectations and you'll be happy, dream big achieve big. you'll be great.
yes, wait , if it was meant to be, it'll be yours eventually.
There's one person you can let pass you without talking , it's just , weird and awkward and you won't feel good.
and you can't just sit there without talking to that person , it's true though.
bitch stay away , it's my life, you have nothing to do with it.
Bitches are like spoiled experiment.
Best friends are like medicine
Family is like best cheese cake ever
Love is like butterfly.
maybe it sucks sometimes but it's my life . I know Allah SWT doing His job. just ride the life and choose the right path. you'll be good.
I think this is it for tonight , plus I've got school tomorrow, I shouldn't be on internet.
goodnight .. huarghh .. I'm sleepy tho.