Post-Ure : Beginning of Post-Ure.
بِسْـــــــــمِ اَللّهِ الرّحْمن الرّحيم
New post ! Maybe from now on , I'll be posting pictures in my post so It'll be new section !
Post-Ure !! yayy ! Haha .. LMAO .
Hihi .. Laughing is the best medicine I could find and for now , it stays as the best medicine I could afford.
Whenever I feel sad , lonely and even mad .. I'll find my way to make myself laugh. cos I'm not a pretty good in Temper-Controlling *sigh*
The best past ever !
Will be there , through the high's and low's , thick and thin and Sunshine and raining ..
I do have them , the old one and the new one .
but I never considered the old friends as ... old .. and new friends as ... new..
practically , I treat them the same. :D
I got an Ex , well you know ..
I was her's , then we broke up , eventually , I don't know why , she didn't text me like 2 months and everytime I want to meet her , come those sluts*her friends* blocking , bashing and anything they possibly could do atm . And yeah , you know , girls , and I'm a guy . So I can't just hit em .. -.-
After what feels like months , we broke up cos she finally text me.
Let's Break Up.
Yeah .. I don't think I can explain how I felt atm . -.-
yeah , you can say whatever you want , and right now , I always text her and so does she.
we've been texting for like years now , since I'm the same school as her. So we can meet regularly ,
Yeah I gave her second chance , and we're together now. for the time being , and I hope I can bring her with me to Jannah . :)
We will be forever young , as long as we together and remember. :)
Maybe we look old on the outside but we're golden in the inside. :D
Live your life and You'll be living it to the fullest.
It's stupid when I think of all the goodbye's I said to my old friends ..
It's like , it's the easiest thing that could slip right outta my mouth.
But now , I try to endure everything and keep my head low and be thankful for what I've been given and everything I have right now and enjoy my life to the fullest . :D
Always ! It's life , not a video game which you can pause and change everything.
You have choice , choose them ,
You have Chances , use them
Changes you take is all that matters.
This means Assalamualaikum to all of you . :)
Tiring day ! Woohoo .. And I still didn't cut my hair. -.-